Monday, November 24, 2008


Some of my favorite videos on the internet are of cats.  The ones that hate everything and never stop being angry.  Those are my favorite.  I could watch them for hours and hours and never stop.  

I don't know what it is about them, but for some reason watching an animal be angry helps me not to be angry.  Except when it is your own animal.  When they are angry or upset, it ruins my mood entirely.  

I don't know.  Maybe when we think about it, it's like that with us and people.  We have a hard time having compassion for people that we see on TV who are hurting or in the newspaper.  Or all those kids in Africa dying from AIDS when we watch those videos in Sunday School telling us to give money.  Does it always have to happen to us in order for us to realize that it happens?  That it's real?  

Sorry, the only reason I am pondering this is because my dog has been acting weird... and it is stressful.  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Welcome to the new blog...

Yo yo yo...

Greetings from Asbury and the brain of Pam.  I thought I would try this blog in order to get some stuff out to lots of people and just have fun.

My current thoughts of the day:  The cold weather.   

It has been brought to my attention that it is becoming winter.  I noticed this when I went out to my car the other day and discovered that someone painted my car white.  It was God.  I do not like it when people vandalize my car.  God, why?  Cold weather means ice, snow, pain, freezing temperatures, the flu, shorter days... not my favorite things.  I'm sure some of you love the cold.  I am thankful for people like you because you remind me that it is important for the earth to go through the process of winter in order for there to be summer.  Ha...

The other thing that always goes through my mind when winter comes is... people.  I am not the only one who doesn't like winter.  All those folks who can't afford heat in their homes, or are forced out of their home... they hate winter too.  They hate winter for a much bigger reason.  And I remember that I can hate winter, but I shouldn't complain about it.  I go into the church and it is a nice, comfortable 74 degrees and my office is actually probably closer to 80.  It's like I am going to Florida in December... practically vacation.  When I go home, it is still about 65 to 70 degrees in my apartment.  Nothing to dread and nothing to worry about.  So again, I shouldn't be complaining, I should do something about it.  If I love sipping coffee on a cold day and sitting by a fire, I shouldn't forget that a lot of people also love doing that.  So today I say, remember that classic saying, "Love your neighbor as yourself" because if you love staying warm in the winter months, I am almost positive your neighbor does, too.  So if you see someone who is looking cold in the next few months, help 'em out!  

Random Fact:  If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar.  That's also enough to buy someone a medium (or even large at some locations) cup of coffee at McDonald's!